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Welcome to the English-language website of the Pure Land school.

  Our aim is to introduce to international audiences the teachings and practices of Pure Land Buddhism according to the lineage of Master Shandao (善導大師, 613-681) of Tang Dynasty China.
  Master Shandao, long revered in East Asia as an incarnation of Amitabha Buddha, is universally acknowledged as the de facto founder of the Pure Land school of Buddhism. Grounding his teachings in the three Pure Land sutras preached by Shakyamuni Buddha, he urged practitioners to aspire to rebirth in the Land of Bliss by reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha exclusively.

After the Charter, it is necessary to be familiar with the school’s founder, for the former is based on the teachings of the latter.

  The founder occupies a preeminent position in the school, unmatched by others. The founder of the Pure Land school was Master Shandao of the Tang Dynasty, widely accepted as an incarnation of Amitabha Buddha. He synthesized and completed the Pure Land teachings and wrote the Five Works in Nine Fascicles, which definitively laid down the thought and practices of the Pure Land tradition.

By Dharma Master Huijing
English translation by Householder Jingtu

A “charter” outlines the principles characteristic of a Dharma school and sets forth guidelines for practice by its adherents.

  The Pure Land Charter was drafted by Dharma Master Huijing. It serves as a manifesto for the Pure Land school, summarizing its evolution over more than a millennium, up to the present day. The Charter consists of 18 clauses defining the essential elements of the school and clearly lays out its framework.

  The Pure Land Charter was drafted by Dharma Master Huijing. It serves as a manifesto for the Pure Land school, summarizing its evolution over more than a millennium, up to the present day. The Charter consists of 18 clauses defining the essential elements of the school and clearly lays out its framework.
Master Huijing

Dharma Master Huijing

       If we can feel the compassionate heart of Amitabha Buddha's deliverance, we'll fully accept his rescue, bowing at his feet and finding solace in his embrace. This deep respect will make us humble and gentle, filled with Amitabha’s compassion.......

Master Jingzong

Dharma Master Jingzong

       Many people tend to claim sole credit and boast a bit upon accomplishing something, believing, ‘I DID IT!’ However, this mindset doesn’t align with Buddhist teachings or reality. The truth is, nobody achieves anything entirely on their own......

Master Jingzong

Journey to the Pure Land: A Mother’s Devotion to Amitabha-recitation

       My mother, Lin Shen Ai, was born on January 22, 1934. She lost her parents at a young age and was raised by her elder brother. She married my simple but honest father under an arranged marriage, and gave birth to three sons and a daughter.  My father (Elder Lin Yu) had depression and mental illness in his 30s, having suffered from prolonged bullying by his boss. The heavy burden of making ends meet for the whole family fell solely on my frail mother.......

Master Jingzong

Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha


Even on the Hardest Road:The Buddha’s Protection

By Master Foxin

On the most arduous path of life’s journey,

Amidst the harshest trails and deepest agony,

